Pregnancy Test FAQs

Woman Holding Pregnancy Test

Receiving a positive or negative pregnancy test can raise many questions. The Women’s Clinic of Atlanta team is here for you to answer those questions, conduct a pregnancy test for you, and talk to you about your options. Discover several answers to FAQs about pregnancy tests and how to minimize your chances of becoming pregnant:

When should I take a pregnancy test?

It is recommended to take a pregnancy test using your first morning urination. This is due to the undiluted levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This natural chemical is found in a woman’s blood and urine throughout her pregnancy and is the main indicator that pregnancy has formed. If you wait to take a pregnancy test later in the day, your consumption of fluids may decrease the hCG levels which makes it harder to detect on a pregnancy test.

It’s important to know that hCG levels do not instantaneously disappear after delivery of a child, miscarriage, or abortion. If you tested positive a few weeks after any of these three events happened, it may be lingering hCG hormones in your blood or urine. To determine if a new pregnancy has occurred, contact our team.

I think I’m pregnant, but my test was negative. What should I do?

If you’re experiencing signs and symptoms of pregnancy but your pregnancy test showed a “negative” result, you may be feeling confused about the results. Sometimes, over-the-counter pregnancy tests show a negative result even though you are pregnant. This could be for multiple reasons like your hCG levels are too low or the test is faulty, for example.

We gladly provide free, lab-certified pregnancy tests to confirm or deny your suspicions. At your appointment, you will take the pregnancy test and we will discuss your results with you right away.

What is natural family planning?  

Natural family planning, also called fertility awareness, involves tracking your body’s menstrual cycle and ovulation window. This is helpful for women who want – or don’t want – to become pregnant. If you don’t want to become pregnant, natural family planning coupled with effective contraception is a great way to minimize your chances. The Women’s Clinic of Atlanta team would be happy to answer questions about menstrual cycles, ovulation, and contraception. If you’d like to take birth control pills, our nurse practitioner can write a prescription for you.

Did you know? Contraception can balance hormonal fluctuations, eliminate cramps, minimizes the risk of ovarian cysts, and helps manage endometriosis pain. Discover the details in our blog – 4 Benefits of Contraception.

We look forward to hearing from you! Text us to make an appointment: 404-777-4771