Serving Atlanta Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancy
You’ve had unprotected sex or you’ve missed your period and are starting to notice some other odd symptoms. Then, it hits you that you might be pregnant. A potential, unplanned pregnancy is a scary thought and facing it can be overwhelming. However, it’s important to know that you don’t have to face it alone.
The Women’s Clinic of Atlanta has served women dealing with unplanned pregnancies for over 20 years and is here to support you in this uncertain time.

First Things First – Get a Free Pregnancy Test
First, it’s important to be sure you are pregnant. A missed period is by far the most common sign, but you don’t have to wait that long. A blood pregnancy test is a reliable method of assessing for pregnancy and typically indicates pregnancy 6 days after conception.
Some other pregnancy symptoms include:
- Backaches
- Darkening of the nipples
- Fatigue
- Food cravings or aversions
- Frequent urination
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea
- Tender or swollen breasts
If you are experiencing these symptoms, call one of our Atlanta clinic locations to schedule a lab-certified pregnancy test. You will have the test results during your appointment. Our testing is 99.9% accurate, detecting the presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) pregnancy hormone as early as the day before your first missed period.
What to Expect at Your Pregnancy Test Appointment
We understand that it can be worrying to face a possible unplanned pregnancy diagnosis. That’s why our Atlanta clinics are designed to create a relaxing, calm, and judgment-free environment. To respect your privacy and the privacy of our patients, we ask that your friends or family wait in the lobby until your test is complete. Then, your support team of family and friends may join you in the care room if you would like, while your test is evaluated, and after you are given the results.
If You Have a Positive Pregnancy Test
If your pregnancy test comes back positive, our licensed medical professionals and compassionate patient advocates will clearly explain your options, including your abortion options. We will answer your questions and, if you wish, schedule you for additional services at one of our Atlanta area clinics. During this appointment, we will determine the gestational age of the pregnancy through an ultrasound and provide the medical information you need before making a decision or getting an abortion. Ultrasounds are provided for qualifying patients only.
Get In Touch
Appointments are available by phone and text.