The Abortion Option
Finding out that you’re pregnant can be a confusing, stressful, and sometimes scary situation. An unplanned pregnancy can make your mind race with questions and concerns. Before you panic or make a rushed decision, take a moment to ask some key questions and get all of the information you need.
A few questions to process through if you’re considering an abortion:
1) What kinds of procedures are available? What are the risks involved?
2) Is my pregnancy viable (located in the uterus and not ectopic)?
3) How soon do I need to decide?
4) Who else do I need to share this news with? Is there a partner, family member, or friend who could help me think through this decision?
5) Are there any other pregnancy options (parenting, adoption) that I would like to consider?
The Women’s Clinic of Atlanta is a safe place to find answers to your questions and fully explore the option of abortion. If you’re in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy, make an appointment to visit us and get the facts you need to make an informed decision.